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Instruction Modes (IM)

Instruction Mode Overview

  • See right sidebar >>
  • Terminology Update
    • Face to Face instruction will be called "In Person".
    • Web-based or Remote instruction will be called "Online".

Videoconferencing (VC) Overview

Updated VC policies and coding instructions.

In Person Learning 

Hybrid Instruction

Sections with both online and in person instruction components are coded based on the percentage taught online.

  • Some Online (SO): .01%-74.99% Online instruction. At least 25% of instruction is in person.
  • Hybrid (HY): 75%-99.9% Online instruction. Course may meet as little as one time in person. 

Important! The department should add an SOC Note to describe the classroom experience.

Online Learning

Blended with Global: Multiple Campuses

Pre-recorded 100% online instruction. Delivery may be asynchronous (no day/time is listed) and sections are combined with a Global Campus section. Available on more than one campus. Any course using the ON (Online) Instruction Mode must be offered through Global Campus and with Global design or blended with a Global section. Contact Global Campus for more information.

Blended Section Coding

  • Instruction Mode: ON (100% Online)
  • Location: 040 (Global)
  • Class Attribute: NOTE: VIRTUAL
  • Facility: leave blank
  • Day/Time: leave blank
  • Global sets up a "shell" pre-combined section for any class that has previously had approval to be blended. You may approve these sections at will. The "shell" is combined with sections from other campuses and is ready to activate. If there is not a pre-combined online section, please contact Global campus
  • Do NOT change an in person or some online section to ONLINE. Use a section that is already coded ON or contact Global Campus to set one up for you. ONLINE sections must have Global design.
  • Do NOT change an ONLINE section to in person or some online. Add a new section and set that section up as in person or some online.

Videoconference (VC) & Zoom: Multiple Campuses

Live instruction. Delivery is synchronous (during a specific day/time) and available to multiple campuses. Zoom, Blackboard, Canvas, or other technologies are used. 

VC Coding

  • Instruction Mode: Determined by whether the section is Originating or Receiving
    • Originating Site: VC when instruction is delivered in a GUC with room characteristic 82. Use VO for any other originating space, whether it is a department space or non-classroom.
    • Receiving Site: VR when instruction is received in a GUC with room characteristic 82. Use VS for any other receiving space, whether it is a department space or a personal device.
  • Location: varies
  • Class Attribute: VC: VC originating site 
  • Facility: VC_xxx or VC enabled classroom. VC_ARR when the space is not listed in myWSU or is a personal device.
  • Day/Time: Required. Synchronous instruction is REQUIRED. 
  • More information about Videoconferencing.

Instruction Modes

In Person

  • In Person (P): Live instruction, 100% in person, specific day/time, one campus
  • Some Online (SO): Live and pre-recorded instruction, <75% online, specific day/time, one campus
  • Videoconference (VC) - Originating Campus: Live instruction in a classroom, specific day/time, multiple campuses. More information on coding VC sections.
  • Hybrid (HY): Live and pre-recorded instruction, 75%+ online, specific day/time listed, one campus.

Synchronous Remote

  • Videoconference (VC) - Receiving Campus: Live instruction via Zoom or other technology, specific day/time, multiple campuses. Receiving campus may receive content in a Videoconference room or on a personal device. 

Asynchronous Remote: Requires Global design

  • Blended with Global: Pre-recorded instruction, 100% online, no day/time, multiple campuses

Pullman Campus Schedulers

Instruction Mode
Academic Room Scheduling