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Pullman GUCs

The Pullman General University Classrooms (GUCs) are scheduled by the Pullman Campus Schedulers using 25Live. These classrooms are located in 30 buildings across campus and are supported by Pullman Integrated Academic Technologies (PIAT) at the direction of the Provost's office and the GUC CommitteeEmail Pullman Campus Schedulers.

Classroom Information

GUCs are equipped with technology to support a wide variety of media presentation, lecture capture, connection to remote  participants, and engagement. Informal learning and Huddle spaces, available for walk-up use, are scattered throughout the Pullman campus. These spaces have seating for 6-10 users, large displays, connections points, and nearby mobile white boards. These speces can be found in The Spark, CUE, Johnson Hall, Todd Hall, Dana Hall, and the Holland, Terrell, and Owen Libraries.

UPDATE! Johnson Annex was recently given it's own Facility ID - JANX. The Annex was attached to the former Johnson Hall (removed in 2023) and is directly north of French Administration Building on Wilson Road.

Scheduling Information

General University Classrooms
Academic Room Scheduling