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MSC: Basic Data Tab

The Maintain Schedule of Classes > Basic Data tab displays the following information.


Session field

Determines the Start/End dates of the section and impacts student drop/add dates.

  • Default Session code: 1 (Regular Academic Session).
  • Start/End Date: Determined by Session code. Effective Spring 2025, these dates may not be changed. .
    • Student deadlines are based on the Session code.
    • When a Session code does not match the desired Session, elect the Session code that best matches the first day of instruction.
    • List of available Sessions: Select "Deadlines Chart by Session" > Semester > Class Standing > Go
  • Session code cannot be edited after students are enrolled.
    • Best solution: Open a new section with the correct dates then move students into that new section.
    • You can also ask the Campus scheduler to change the start/end dates, however this may negatively impact students who wish to drop/add the class. The dates are set by the Session code, not the start/end dates.

Request a Custom Session

Class Section field

Determines the section number for the section.

  • Lecture Sections: Minimum two digits.
    • Fall/Spring: 01, 02, etc.
    • Summer: P01, V02, etc (the first digit is campus)
  • Lab Sections: Minimum two digits plus "L".
    • Fall/Spring: 01L, 02L, etc.
    • Summer: T01L, S02L, etc. (the first digit is campus)
    • More information on how to Add A Lab Section.
  • Add New Sections: Select "+".
  • Navigate through sections: "First", "Last", arrows, or select "View All" in the Class Sections area. "Find" works best for Lab sections or when you know the Class Number. Do not edit sections in View All!

Component and Class Type fields

Determines the type of Section.


Component & Class Type Basics

LEC -Lecture is the default Component. Enrollment Section is the default Class Type. These are determined based on the Course Catalog.

  • LEC - Lecture, Enrollment Section
  • LAB - Laboratory, Enrollment Section or Non Enrollment Section
  • DRS - Dissertation Research, Enrollment Section
  • ENS - Ensemble
  • EXC - Examination Credits, Enrollment Section
  • IND - Independent Study, Enrollment Section
  • INT - Internship, Enrollment Section
  • PRA - Practicum, Enrollment Section
  • SEM - Seminar, Enrollment Section
  • THE - Thesis Research, Enrollment Section

Associated Class field

ACTION REQUIRED! This field associates lab courses with lecture courses. It also impacts other Class Associations and should be reviewed when creating a new Section. 

Associated Class Basics

The default is 1. You must determine the correct number based on the information below.

  • If the Section is a Lecture: Class Section and Associated Class should match.
    • For example:  CHEM 101 Section 03 should have an Associated Class of 3
  • If the Section is a Lab: Associated Class for a Lab Section can either match the Lecture Section number or be listed as 9999.
    • For example:  There are 3 Lecture Sections of CHEM 101 and 15 Lab Sections.
      • CHEM 101-01, 02, 03 Labs have a Class Association number of 9999.  Students choosing these Labs can choose any CHEM 101 Lecture Section.
      • CHEM 101-12 Lab has a Class Association number of 3.  Students choosing this Lab can only enroll in CHEM 101-03 Lecture Section.
  • Associated Class cannot be changed after students enroll.
  • Summer Associated Class: Summer uses a 4 digit associated class for summer classes. The first two digits are a campus code followed by the section number.  Example: Pullman section P01 would use associated class 1001. Global section G12 would use associated class 5012. See campus codes below.
    • Pullman Summer: 10 + two digit section number. 
    • Global Sumer: 50 + two digit section number. 

Location and Instruction Mode fields

These fields determine where and how the Section will be taught.

Location and Instruction Mode Basics

  • The default Location is 100 - Pullman Campus for Pullman Sections.
  • The default Instruction Mode is P - Face to Face.
  • The Location and Instruction Mode fields change when a Section is being taught Blended or via Video Conference.


Use the magnifying glass to search for Locations.

100 - Pullman Campus

  • Used for Regular and Video Conference Sections

040 - Distance Degree Programs

  • Used for Blended Sections

999 - Multiple Sites

  • Used for Videoconference Sections

Other Originating Sites for VC Sections

  • 081 - Irrigated Agri Res & Ext Ctr
  • 137 - Mount Vernon Research Ctr
  • 060 - Puyallup Res & Ext Ctr
  • 020 - Tree Fruit Res & Ext Ctr

Instruction Modes: Updated 8/30/19

  • It is no longer necessary to add an OLT Class Attribute for courses with an online component. 
  • It is no longer necessary to add a NOTE Class Attribute for courses that are HYBRID.

P - Face to Face

  • Use for Video Conference Sections when the Location and the Originating Site in Class Attributes are the same.

30 - 100% Online (formerly "Web-based Instruction")

  • Use for Blended Sections
  • Use for Global Campus courses.
  • Use with Class Attribute NOTE: VIRTUAL 

HY - 75% or more Web-based instruction

  • No longer need to use the OLT Class Attribute
  • No longer need to use the NOTE Class Attribute

40 - Video Conference (formerly "Interactive Video Instruction")

  • Use for Video Conference sections when the Location and the Originating Site in Class Attributes are different.

50 - removed 8/30/19 (formerly "Broadcast Video Instruction")

  • Not typically used.

SO - .01-74.99% Online

  • Used for course with Some Online component

99 - Unknown 

  • Not typically used.

Approved Section box

Notifies the Campus Scheduler that the section has been reviewed and approved by the Department Scheduler. It is not necessary to leave a note when a Section has been Approved. Reports are run weekly to find newly Approved Sections.

Approved Section Basics

  • Approve each Section separately.
  • Once Approved, many fields are unavailable to Department Schedulers. Updates are submitted via the Notes/Request field.
  • When the box is unchecked, the section is unapproved.
    • Sections will not be Unapproved after rooms have been assigned, otherwise an assigned room is forfeit.
    • When the term is rolled, Sections are rolled as Unapproved.

Schedule Print box

Selects Sections to display in Schedule of Classes.

Schedule Print Basics

  • The default is checked. Courses are displayed in Schedule of Classes and myWSU Class Search.
  • To Uncheck this box, submit a request via the Notes/Request field. The course will be visible to Faculty/Staff only with the comment "Section not shown to students."

Class Attributes fields

Specific information related to a Course or Section.

Class Attribute Basics

Many class attributes are derived from the catalog course information.  Some can be added by Departmental Schedulers. Each Course Attribute needs an accompanying Course Attribute Value.

Attributes and Values: Department Schedulers Can Add

Use the magnifying glass to find the latest list of Course Attributes and Values.

Course Attribute

Course Attribute Value examples

BBWL - BlackBoard WaitListed Students
  • YES - Allow Access to BlackBoard
EDAB - Education Abroad
  • ED ABROAD - Education Abroad
NOTE - Class Note
  • 1ST YEAR - Reserved - First-Year Focus
  • VIRTUAL - Virtual section
OLT - Online Learning Type
  • No longer used effective 8/30/19.
  • Instructor Mode is used instead.
VC - Video Conference
  • VC EVERE - VC Originating in Everett
  • VC IAREC - VC Originating in IAREC


Attributes and Values: Course Catalog specific

Use the magnifying glass to find the latest list of Course Attributes and Values.

Course Attribute

Course Attribute Value examples

BBCD - Blackboard Close Term
  • 1AY - End of one academic year
  • 2AY - End of second academic year
CONJ - Conjoint Course
  • CONJOINT - Conjoint Course
COOP - U of I Cooperative
  • COOPJNT - Jointly taught by WSU and UI
CRNT - Course Note
  • NO CREDIT - No credit; no financial aid
  • TOPICS - Topics course
DRER - See other requirements below
  • DREQ OTHER - See other requirements below
FUND - Funding Source
  • 901 - Non State-Funded
GER - General Education Requirement
  • A_GER - [A] World Civilization GER
  • B_GER - [B] Biological Sciences GER
HONR - Honors Course
  • HONORS - Honors Course
MXH2 - Maximum Lab Hours per Week
  • 4 - Maximum non-lec hours 4
NSE - National Student Exchange
  • NSE - National Student Exchange
REPT - Repeat for Additional Credit
  • 99 - May be repeated
UCOR - University Common Requirement
  • ARTS_UCOR - [ARTS] Creative & Prof Arts
  • BSCI_L_UCR - [BSCI] Biological Sciences LAB
UNIV - Contact Hours
  • 2 - 2
  • 9 - 9
WMAJ - Writing in the Major
  • M_REQ - [M] Writing in the Major
XLST - Crosslisted Course
  • ACCTG - ACCTG Owner
  • AERO - AERO Owner
    • This is the Parent Department and it's listed on all sections within the crosslisted course.

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Used to access Instructor/Advisor Table or Schedule Class Meetings from within Maintain Schedule of Classes. The other applications will open below MSC.

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Meetings tab

Combined Sections

Taught in the same room at the same time. More information on Combined Sections. Meeting information must be edited in Schedule Class Meetings. View class combinations in LMS Data for Classes.

Basic Data tab
Academic Room Scheduling