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LMS Management in myWSU

The LMS Components

Effective 3/28/22, LMS components were added to myWSU to manage courses in Canvas, or a future Learning Management System (LMS). The components are part of the Schedule Builder Applications. 

Knowledge Base Articles

Manage LMS Course Spaces may be edited by department schedulers through the 2nd day of the term. Starting the 3rd day of term, request changes in myWSU > Maintain Schedule of Classes > Meetings tab > Notes/Requests.

Maintain LMS Course Spaces

Department Schedulers have access to edit Maintain LMS Course Spaces (excluded AOI Sub Account) through the second day of the term. Leave a Notes/Request in Maintain Schedule of Classes to request updates after these dates.

Getting started

What can Department Schedulers do?

AOI Sub Account and Global Campus

Flag Sections for Canvas (LMS)

Allow Waitlisted students access to Canvas (LMS)

Extend the end date of Canvas (LMS)

Considerations before changing Primary Section or merging course spaces

Merge sections to share the same course space

How long does it take a new class to show up in MLCS?

Maintain LMS Users

If an administrative support person needs access to Canvas, with or without grading access, use Maintain LMS Users to add this access. Instructors and TAs are added in Maintain Schedule of Classes and do not need to be added to this component.

Getting started

User roles defined

Grading in Canvas - Grade Book

Grading in myWSU - Grade Roster

Adding a Student as an Incomplete

Do "child" sections need to have users added when a course is merged in the LMS?


Credit sub-group

Merging course spaces in Canvas is available to department schedulers for classes in the sub-group CREDIT until the first day of instruction. Starting the first day of instruction, schedulers can leave a Notes/Request in Maintain Schedule of Classes for the Campus Scheduler to flag a course for Canvas, select the Primary Instruction Section, or merge sections in the course space. Merging the course space does not merge class/grade rosters nor instructor evaluations.

AOI sub-group

Global Campus Schedulers must make LMS edits to classes in the sub-group AOI. Global Campus will not merge a synchronous in person course with an asynchronous online course.

Supporting Information

LMS Sub Accounts

Combined sections

Course evaluatations

Retiring components in myWSU

Required fields to create a Canvas course space

How long before a change is active in Canvas?

If LMS is changed from Canvas to NONE will a created course space be removed?

What happened to the Override checkbox?

Which OBIEE Reports can we use with the new component?

Academic Room Scheduling