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Schedule Builder Notes/Requests report

The dashboard has two versions of the Notes/Request reports which show similar data. The original report, Schedule Builder Notes/Requests, is frequently used by Campus Schedulers who have other processes built on the formatting of this report. The Pullman Campus Schedulers use this report. The newer report, Notes/Requests, is accessed from Schedule Builder Reports in the "Select View" dropdown. This report has a separate left dropdown, With Notes/Requests, to filter the screenview results. If the report will be exported, be sure to set the center filter dropdown "With Notes/Requests".

The Schedule Builder Notes/Requests report shows all of the sections that have a note/request in the Notes/Request field on the Meetings Tab regardless if the section is Approved or Unapproved.

  • Sections may have multiple lines showing because there may be more than one Meeting Time listed.
  • Notes/Requests are removed/moved to the Comments Tab if they require further action by the Department Scheduler or have been processed/completed by the Campus Scheduler.


Notes/Requests and Schedule Builder Notes/Requests reports
Academic Room Scheduling