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Add a section: Part 3

Department Scheduler Training

Welcome to Schedule Builder Videos! Our videos will teach Department Schedulers to set up, edit, and approve academic courses and sections. This video is the third in a series of three videos demonstrating how to add a new section to a course. In this video we will finish setting up the sections opened and edited in Part 1 & Part 2.

Go to Maintain Schedule of Classes and select LAST to open BIOLOGY 102.18L for Spring 2020. Move to the Reserve Capacity tab.

Reserve Capacity tab

Reserve Capacity is a powerful tool for schedulers. It allows you to reserve seats for certain student populations. Reserve Capacity is dated and can be automatically removed on a set date to allow other students to enroll in any remaining seats.

All departments can use Reserve Capacity for Seniors or Juniors and Seniors.

Some departments have set up major specific requirements through the Registrar’s Office. Contact the Assistant Registrar who manages Scheduling.

Reserve Capacity Requirement Group

Let’s skip to Reserve Capacity Requirement Group. This is where you will set up the Reserve Capacity.

Reserve Capacity is not an option for LAB courses, so for our example, I’ll select FIRST and move to BIOLOGY 102.01. Let’s set a Senior Reserve Capacity of 25 seats that ends two weeks before classes begin.

  • Set a Start Date. This date is typically prior to registration. We will set it for 11/4/19, the day before priority registration opens.
  • Use the magnifying glass to select a Requirement Group. We will select BIOLOGY Senior Reserve Cap.
  • Enter the number of seats that will be reserved for students with senior standing in Cap Enrl.
  • Since we want to remove this reservation two weeks before classes begin, we will select “+” to add another row.
  • Enter the date that the Requirement Group will end. For this example, two weeks before classes begin is 12/30/19.
  • Use the magnifying glass or carefully type the Requirement Group number for the same Requirement Group used in the row above it. In this example, 008699 for BIOLOGY Senior Reserve Cap.
  • Set Cap Enrl to 0 to end the Reserve Capacity

If you need more than one Reserve Capacity Requirement Group, move up to Reserve Capacity Sequence and add a new sequence by selecting “+”. Each Requirement Group must use a separate Reserve Capacity Sequence number. Select View All to see everything.

SOC Notes

Save and move to SOC Notes. I’ll select LAST to move back to section 18L.

SOC Notes are printed in the Schedule of Classes and provide additional information about a section. For example, blended courses show a URL and note explaining that the section is web-based and does not meet in a regular classroom.

We use: Sequence Number and Free Form Text.

Sequence Number

  • Sequence Number 1 tells myWSU that the Free Form Text is a URL.
  • Sequence number 2 is used for text. When your notes did not print in Schedule of Classes, check to make sure that the Sequence Number is not 1.

Free Form Text

  • The text in this field will display in both RONet’s Schedule of Classes and in myWSU.
  • Best practices include leaving a note here if you are using Reserve Capacity. In our example, we will add a note using Sequence Number 2 that states:
    • A portion of the seats in this class are reserved for Seniors. Wait listed students will be added on 12/30/19.
  • Do not use double quotes in this field as they break RONet Schedule of Classes.

Finish Up

Once all tabs have been set up correctly in Maintain Schedule of Classes, it is time to Approve the course.

  • Return to the Basic Data tab.
  • Check Approved Section.


The section is now Approved.

  • Sections Approved during Initial Proofing are immediately Active.
  • Sections Approved during Final Proofing or outside the proofing windows will be activated by the Campus Scheduler.

Activation will take up to a week
for semesters that are no longer in the proofing.

Once the section is Approved, you will not have access to make changes to most of the section. If changes are desired, leave a note to the Campus Scheduler in the Meetings tab in the Notes/Request field.


You will have access to:

  • Change Enrollment Capacity and Wait List Capacity in the Enrollment Control tab.
  • Add Instructors, Internal Notes, and Notes/Requests in the Meetings tab


For more information

For more information, visit the Academic Scheduling website and check out our Department Scheduler video series.


Recorded 12/31/19

Add A Section Overview

Reserve Capacity Notes

  • You may need additional access to edit this tab. You can request it through your Department Approver and the Crimson Service Desk.
  • These Reserve Capacity Requirement Groups reserve seats based on the student’s class standing at the end of the current term. They do not consider the student’s major.
  • Start Dates take effect at 12:01 am on the date listed.
    It is better to have the Reserve Capacity end one day later than remove it early. Students on the Waiting List will be automatically enrolled in the course when the Reserve Capacity is lifted.

SOC Notes

  • Do not use double quotes SOC Notes. They break RONet Schedule of Classes.
Add A Section: 3
Academic Room Scheduling